Lab (CSC)
The Computer Science Evening Lab is a convenient meeting place to work on your CS course. The evening lab is often full of students working on the same assignment as you, providing you with the opportunity to work together to discuss solutions. The evening lab is supported by a number of teaching assistants, many of which have taken the course you are currently enrolled and are happy to help you through challenges. They are there to help!
The CS Evening Lab is open every Sunday through Thursday from 7 PM to 9 PM (except on the nights of Thursday convocations) in the Computing, Media, and Information Technology (CMIT) Building, Room 316, the Immersive Technologies Lab. In addition to the lab, the CS TA’s have created a Slack channel where you can also ask questions. The Slack channel is open to all students. You can join the channel here: Occasionally, the lab is cancelled when it overlaps with evening convocations or holidays; this information will be posted to the Slack channel.
Please contact Dr. Scott Heggen, with complaints or suggestions for CSC Lab.