Foreign Languages
Graduates receive a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in French, German, or Spanish. A minor is also available in the aforementioned languages as well as in Classical Studies. Outside of the majors and minors, courses are offered in Chinese, Japanese, Latin, and Biblical Hebrew. Students are encouraged to pair their major with a major or a minor in another foreign language or in a complementary field, such as Communication, Business, Political Science, English, Sociology, Education, or History.
Opportunities & Internships
Foreign language majors and minors have an opportunity to earn academic credit through an approved program abroad. Students majoring in a foreign language may be approved and receive funding to spend a semester abroad. Foreign language minors can also receive limited funding.
Careers & Outcomes
Contact Us
Berea College | Draper 219 C | CPO 1985 | Berea, KY 40404 | 859-985-3447