Studying philosophy engages questions about how one should live, our place in the universe, the nature of thought, and ways of knowing. Philosophy emphasizes the use of human rationality for effective and critical reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The philosophy curriculum prepares for a variety of careers using the breadth, depth, and reasoned rigor of philosophical thinking.
Graduate majors receive a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in philosophy. A minor is also available. As an interdisciplinary field of study, a philosophy major combines well with a variety of minors or double majors such as English, Peace & Social Justice Studies, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, or Political Science.
Opportunities & Internships
The Philosophy Department provides opportunities to explore diverse philosophical points of view, to develop rational abilities to reflect critically and constructively on a wide variety of important questions, and to cultivate abilities to communicate well through constructive engagement with others’ ideas and ways of thinking.
The Department offers a variety of out-of-class opportunities to pursue philosophical topics, including lectures through the Ross Lecture Series and various off-campus experiences through the Office of Internships.
Careers & Outcomes
Berea Philosophy graduates find employment or continue their studies in a wide variety of fields and occupations, including: