Directions to Admissions
Easily accessible, Berea is located about 40 miles south of Lexington, KY, just off Interstate 75. The driving time from Louisville, KY, Knoxville, TN, or Cincinnati, OH, is slightly more than two hours. The Admissions Office, Haaga House, is a large, white house with blue Admissions banners on the front porch.
To reach the Office of Admissions
From Interstate 75, take Exit 76 and head east into the town of Berea. (If you are traveling northbound on Interstate 75, turn right off of the exit ramp. If you are traveling southbound on Interstate 75, turn left off of the exit ramp.)
Continue straight on this road (Chestnut Street) for approximately 2 miles. After stoplight #6, watch for a large brick Berea College sign on your right. 80 feet past the brick sign, turn right at the blue sign for the Office of Admissions. (If you reach stoplight #7 or Boone Tavern Hotel, you’ve gone too far.) The Admissions Office is located in the Haaga House. If there is no parking immediately available, proceed to where additional spots are located towards the back of the lot.
Our GPS address is 209 Chestnut Street, Berea, KY. The Admissions Office, Haaga House, is a large, white house with blue Admissions banners on the front porch.
Having trouble finding our office? Please call us at 1-800-326-5948.