The Willis D. Weatherford, Jr. Campus Christian Center
Close up image of the lights in Danforth Chapel

The Willis D. Weatherford, Jr. Campus Christian Center

“God has made of one blood all peoples of the earth” (Acts 17:26)

About the Campus Christian Center

The Campus Christian Center (CCC) provides opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in worship, prayer and meditation, devotional study of Christian scripture and interfaith conversation.

The CCC is staffed by professional College chaplains who offer pastoral counseling for all members of the College community, and a trained student team who provides peer counseling and spiritual support to fellow students.

The CCC cultivates an atmosphere of radical hospitality and nurtures the spiritual wellness of the Berea College community by

The CCC is a place where people coming from various interpretations of Christianity, other religious traditions or no formal faith affiliation at all can work together in support of and guided by Berea’s Great Commitments.

Student Chaplains

Through this program, the CCC provides its Student Chaplains with opportunities for growth in areas of religious and spiritual leadership. This includes learning and developing skills in peer counseling, programming, leadership, interfaith dialogue and religious education.

Student Chaplains should possess the following qualifications and fulfill their responsibilities in the following ways:

If you have questions about the Student Chaplain program, contact Rev. Dr. LeSette Wright.


The Campus Christian Center (CCC) represents the most visible and tangible expression of the College’s contemporary understanding of its Christian identity. It also shows the most prominent way the College fulfills the third feature of its mission. That is, “To stimulate understanding of the Christian faith and its many expressions and to emphasize the Christian ethic and the motive of service to others.”

Spiritual Wellness at Berea College

The PowerPoint below is presented to all incoming first year students during their Wellness class.

Spiritual Wellness at Berea College


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Contact Us

Berea College | CPO 2165 | Draper Bldg., Room 107 | Berea, KY 40404 | 859-985-3134 |