Berea Tutoring
Become a Volunteer Today!
Berea Tutoring can be reached by email at bereatutoring@berea.edu or you can stop by our office on the second floor of Stephenson Hall!
Berea Tutoring provides an encouraging atmosphere for local students who need help in achieving academic success, and for college volunteers who want to learn more about teaching or volunteering. Our mission is to increase conceptual understanding in academic subject areas, enrich educational experiences, and build self-confidence by providing college-aged tutors to local school children.
The tutoring staff provides guidance and materials to volunteers, who agree to tutor two students for two hours each week. Matches between tutors and students are made based on referral forms received from teachers, and the skills and talents of the volunteers.
If you are a teacher who would like to refer a student, please complete a referral for your student based on the grade level that seems most appropriate for the student’s skill level.
If you are a parent/guardian interested in our program, please contact our team to learn more about the program, and/or contact your student’s teacher about completing a referral form.
If you are a Berea College student interested in volunteering, please contact our team to learn more about the program.