Amy McCleese Nichols is a writer who enjoys helping other writers grow in their chosen disciplines. As Director of Writing Resources, Amy runs Berea’s campus writing center. Before taking on her current role, she served as the Assistant Director of the University of Louisville Writing Center, running cross-disciplinary workshops, building community-engaged partnerships, and mentoring a team of graduate-level writing consultants in addition to teaching first-year writing, business writing, and science and technical writing courses. Amy’s doctorate is in Rhetoric and Composition, and she enjoys studying community literacy, rural literacy, dialect and home language, and writing from identity. Her recent book-length work focuses on rural community literacy (Rural Literacy Sponsorship Networks: Piloting Mixed-Methods Mapping for Small Communities, Routledge, 2024), and her other academic work can be found in Community Literacy Journal and Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. Her poetry appears in Appalachian Review, Women Speak, and Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel.