Become Green Belt Certified
A Green Belt is a certification awarded to professionals who are well versed in Lean methodology, and who have led an impactful process improvement project on-campus. Our office partners with Bill Peterson (professor at the Haslam College of Business at the University of Tennessee) to teach you the core concepts of the Lean methodology in a week-long training program.
After a week of training, our office will support you as you carry out a process improvement project that will help you increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and/or accuracy of your work. All our Green Belts are certified by the University of Tennessee (UT). Since 2013, Berea College has sent over 40 individuals to UT to learn Lean best practices from Bill Peterson’s Lean Applied to Business Processes (LABP) course. Making us one of the institutions with the largest number of Green Belt Certifications from the Haslam School of Business.
Check out the infographic here to learn more about our Green Belt Certification and Facilitation service.
Successful Green Belt Projects
Stephanie Turner – Facilities Management Accountant
Stephanie’s project improved the process for processing invoices at Facilities Management by using a single email to receive invoices, creating templates, and standardizing invoice formats.
Stephanie saved 13,388 hours, or almost 1,673 days of work, with her project.
Jason Proctor – Document Imaging Associate
Jason’s project improved the process for scanning and indexing donations to Berea College at the Philanthropy Office by reconciling handoffs and using a pull system instead of a push system.
Jason will save 275.22 hours, or 34 days of work, each year with his project.
Sarah Caudill – Retail Logistics Manager
Sarah’s project improved the process of receiving inventory for the Berea College retail stores by implementing a WIP Board, creating checklists, and organizing the storage area using the 5S technique.
Sarah will save 279 hours, or almost 35 days of work, each year with her project.
One of our associates will follow up with additional information and steps.