Graduates may receive a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English with a Concentration in Literature or a BA in English with a Concentration in Writing. A major in English combines well with study in many other fields, such as African-American Studies, Appalachian Studies, Communications, History, Peace and Social Justice Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Theatre, and Women’s and Gender Studies. Students often double major with Education Studies to earn a P-12 teaching certificate.
Opportunities & Internships
English majors may apply for department-funded grants that can be used to support student travel to/and or participation in off campus conferences, workshops, lectures, internships, domestic and international study opportunities. There are also labor positions, working with English faculty as teaching assistants or research assistants.
Careers & Outcomes
The Liberal Arts and Humanities are only growing in value to the world and job markets. A degree in English indicates a broad, interdisciplinary education and a mature awareness of social and personal issues, as well as skills in research, writing, and critical thinking. English majors find employment or opportunities to continue their education in a diverse range of occupations and career fields including:
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Berea College | Draper 222A | CPO 2014 | Berea, KY 40404