Executive Council

Executive Council

About the Executive Council

The Executive Council is charged to oversee campus governance; to identify what issues need governance attention; to prioritize policy and governance issues; to charge standing Committees and to form and charge ad hoc teams as necessary; to set agendas for College Faculty Assembly and General Assembly Delegates meetings; and to perform other tasks as enumerated below.

The Executive Council shares responsibility with the Strategic Planning Council to identify emerging issues that have institution-wide implications; and to communicate broadly with the campus community regarding the major issues that need to be addressed and to use the appropriate governance channels to address them.

The Executive Council coordinates the efforts of the various program councils and is generally responsible for the effective functioning of campus governance. On an ongoing basis it monitors operation of the governance system and, if necessary, recommends modifications for faculty approval. When directed, it also considers other matters of substance or procedure which concern either the College Faculty Assembly or General Assembly Delegates and which are not explicitly assigned to a program council. In addition, it regularly performs the following specific tasks:

The Executive Council is composed of the following:

The Executive Council has three constituent committees: the Awards Committee, the Committee for Socially Responsible Investing, and the Sustainability Committee.

Contact Us

Berea College | 330 Lincoln Hall | CPO 2204 | Berea, KY 40404 | 859-985-3489