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Medical Plan Information

Medical Plan Information


Our Medical Insurance is offered through Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. However, due to a Claims Arrangement effective 7/1/2013, all claims are processed through our Third Party Administrator, Aspirant. If you have a claim or coverage issue, you should contact Aspirant first at (855) 982-2583. In addition, any cards or medical bills you incur will be mailed to you from ARC Administrators. Please be aware that, as of July 1, 2014, working spouses who are offered PPACA compliant coverage through their employer are ineligible to join our medical plan. If you are planning to add your spouse to your medical insurance, you will need to submit a completed Working Spousal Affidavit.

Anthem creates and publishes the Machine-Readable Files on behalf of Berea College.

To link to the Machine-Readable Files, please click on the URL provided:

2024 – 2025 Plan Information

Benefits Overview

Benefits Presentation

For current employees wishing to view the Summary of Benefits and Coverage documents, as well as the Benefits Schedule documents, for their specific medical plan, please refer to the BSwift’s library.

Virtual Health Care

LiveHealth Online connects you with a US Board-Certified doctor via live, two-way video on your computer or mobile device 24 hours a day/7days a week! Doctors can ePrescribe to local pharmacies as your State allows. Need mental healthcare? With LiveHealth Online, you also have world-class therapy and psychiatry virtual visits that you can access from the comfort of home. Schedule an appointment for with a therapist or psychiatrist and get care when and where it fits your schedule. Appointments are available weekdays, evenings, and weekends, so you can get care when you need it. The cost for an online doctor visit is a $10 copay for an office visit under your PPO Plans, and $59 if you have an HDHP/HSA Plan.

LiveHealth Online

Additional Medical Resources

Anthem Care Comparison
Anthem Preventative Health Guidelines
How to Access Medical and Dental Claims 
How to Access Prescription Claims
How to Locate a Medical Provider

When Traveling Outside of the U.S.

BlueCard Worldwide – Manual Claim Form (PDF)
BlueCard – Out-of-the-Country Health (PDF)