Clubs & Organizations
Berea College encourages its students to become engaged in the community. Student activities are vital companions to classroom learning and such activities enrich one’s collegiate experience. The College strives to offer a vast array of organizational, programming and civic opportunities for students.
Berea students take responsibility for organizing and running most events, and thus, opportunities for involvement on campus are unlimited. There are 60+ recognized active student clubs and organizations, including campus governance, intramural and club sports, voice and instrumental ensembles, dance groups, social justice and advocacy groups, service-oriented organizations, outdoor groups and honorary and academic organizations. Berea’s abiding commitment to multicultural and international concerns finds expression in the activities of the Black Cultural Center, the Cosmopolitan Club and the Espacio Cultural Latinx. A list of all our organizations can be found on Berea Engage where you can also apply to register a new organization.
Active involvement outside the classroom and office is at the heart of Berea's culture.