Log House Craft Gallery
Other Building
The Log House Craft Gallery is the oldest and largest continually run craft gallery in the state of Kentucky. It is home to the unique works of over 470 different artists from the Appalachian region and beyond, including the crafts made through our own Student Craft Program. Originally known as the “Log Palace,” the present-day Log House Craft Gallery is a 68 x 40-foot plantation-style structure built in 1917 to honor the revival of colonial arts in the Southern Mountains. Today, as you wander throughout the cabin, you will find handmade treasures you will cherish forever. Originally built to support the artisans of Appalachia, the Log House Craft Gallery continues that mission today.
Contact Us
200 Estill St. | Berea, KY 40404 | 859-985-3226 | Mon - Sat: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sun: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.