Bingham Entertainment Fund

Bingham Entertainment Fund

The purpose of the Bingham Entertainment Fund is to encourage faculty and staff to entertain students at their homes in an effort to extend hospitality beyond the campus. To assist in doing so, reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses for food purchased to entertain students in faculty or staff homes is available through an endowed fund and will be processed upon receipt of appropriate documentation (see form) as long as the funds last.

The guidelines are:

Faculty and staff wishing to receive reimbursement should apply to Shannon Montross in the Office of Academic Affairs, CPO 2204. Please include all information on the following form and send with original receipts to my CPO (form attached). Please note that the Bingham Fund is only for reimbursing out-of-pocket expenditures. It is not appropriate to use a College purchasing card for food purchases that will be charged to the Bingham Fund.

This form can be accessed here: Please continue to welcome students to your homes for a shared meal and informal visit.

If you have any questions, please contact Shannon Montross at ext. 3487 or: