
Berea College faculty who carry out research and creative activities that involve students in a significant way are eligible for grants through the URCPP. Joint or collaborative projects are encouraged, especially those that are interdisciplinary. A faculty member is eligible for involvement in one URCPP-funded project each summer. Please note that the URCPP Committee reviews all proposals and is charged with evaluating the quality of the proposal. The committee forwards its recommendations to the Provost. Faculty will not be approved for both a URCPP grant and Summer Term teaching. Faculty with extended contracts receive reduced stipends if awarded a URCPP grant. Support for all proposals is subject to available funds for undergraduate research; hence, the approval process is competitive. Preference is given to proposals from junior faculty members who are building research/creative experiences into their vitas or to senior faculty who have not had a project funded by URCPP in the past two years. Strong efforts will be made to fund all approved proposals.

URCPP Project Details

Grants are available as follows:

These grants will not cover extended living expenses for faculty or students choosing to live off campus.  However, students living on campus (including both residence halls and the eco-village) will receive a URCPP grant designed to cover on-campus room and meals only during the weeks of URCPP participation (if students choose to arrive before or stay after their projects, they will be required to pay for room and meals during that extended time). The time frame for projects is eight to ten weeks during the summer.  Students will still be required to pay fees during the summer, totaling approximately $70 and any other charges they accumulate.

Federal Work Study (FWS) Guidelines for Community Service