Free Store
What is the Free Store? It’s a program of the Office of Sustainability to help reduce waste on Berea College’s campus by encouraging a culture of reuse. The Free Store accepts donations of gently used school supplies and office supplies from students, staff, and faculty. Our team sorts and organizes those items and provides them back to the campus community to shop from – for free! Free store items vary, but typically include small school supplies and office supplies that have been gently used and are in good condition. This includes, but is not limited to:
Permanent Satellite Locations
The Office of Sustainability is partnering with the Building Managers in Draper, MAC, Presser, and Campus Life and the Building Manager in Alumni to bring the Free Store to you. You can shop from our inventory at either of the following locations:
Free Store - Events
During the Fall 2024 semester, the Office of Sustainability is partnering with Campus Life to bring the Free Store to you. After August 29th, shop from our inventory at either of the following locations:
Alumni Building - Extended Pop Up
Alumni Building - Special Free Store Events ( 2nd Floor Lobby near the V12 lounge)
Are you a campus community member and interested in donating to support this initiative? Email to schedule a time to drop off your items at the Office of Sustainability, located in Clover Bottom Cottage. Due to an excess amount of binders and hanging folders, we are at capacity and are not able to accept donations of those items at this time. Please make sure to clean items and remove important papers, prior to donating them.