Online Bookstore
The Berea College Online Bookstore provides students with a personalized shopping experience. No need to track books down amidst aisles and aisles of textbooks, they are only a few clicks away!
Funds and Purchasing
Berea College students have a $500 credit line for textbook purchases from TextbookX attached to their student accounts. Any credit used to purchase books needs to be paid back by the end of the semester. Start and end dates to use the $500 credit line vary by semester. Be sure to check for communications from the College about when it is and is not available.
Textbooks can also be purchased using all major credit cards.
Log in with your myBerea credentials at berea.textbookx.com and view a personalized page with all of your courses, required materials as well as notes from professors. Choose from new, used, eBook rental, and Marketplace options.
Check your confirmation email(s) to determine if the textbooks are non-returnable. If they can can be returned, log in to berea.textbookx.com and click the Returns tab in the upper left-hand corner. Read and follow all instructions.
Purchase Order IDs can be found in confirmation emails and/or by looking up past purchases. To find past purchases, click the drop-down menu from your username and click Purchases. Find the corresponding purchase Order ID and then enter that number in the Returns tab.
Please note that rental returns cannot be taken to the Visitor Center & Shoppe.
To track an order, click the Track tab in the upper left-hand corner once logged in. Enter your email address and purchase Order ID.
Please note that not all Marketplace sellers use tracking numbers.
Questions and Problems
Call the TextbookX Customer Service line at 1-800-887-6459 if you have questions or problems such as the following:
TextbookX also has a help website. Please check this website for any additional help with questions.
As a last resort only, you may call the Visitor Center & Shoppe at 859-985-3197. They may be able to answer questions, but the Customer Service line will always be your best bet.