Drafting our Strategic Framework
Berea College campus sun and trees

Drafting Our Strategic Framework

Vision into Action: Turning our boldest dreams into reality

Berea College is using a dynamic, flexible strategic planning process to capture both our great work underway and our hopes for an even better Berea. Titled “Vision into Action,” this new form of strategic planning is focused on ensuring that our ideas are translated into real results as quickly and effectively as possible.

“Vision into Action” is a testament to the high-quality feedback received during President Nixon’s Listening Tour—an open, honest, collaborative sharing of ideas and insights, hopes and dreams, questions and concerns. We are committed to moving the ideas shared during the Tour into actionable strategies that enhance the student experience, foster academic excellence, and strengthen our campus community. As our campus priorities come into focus, we are shaping our overarching Vision and mapping the Actions that will bring that Vision to life.


Berea will use our current strengths to create the “next horizon” of higher education. Berea is and will be:

Berea’s bold vision for the future features new forms of thinking, working, and creating community. Berea is ready to claim:


Students First

The Student Experience in our Beloved Community

Berea aspires to offer an environment of possibility and promise, where students can further develop the gifts they bring to us, access resources to grow, explore knowledge to expand horizons, and be empowered to shape the complex world ahead.

Berea Balance

Serving Self, Campus, and “One Blood, All Peoples” 

Berea aspires to create a culture of radical love: our community welcomes all into an integrated ecosystem that connects the impartial love of all peoples to the love of place, self, and service.

Financial Freedom

Resources & Infrastructure for Choice, Opportunity, and Stability

Berea aspires to create new models of freedom, mobility, and stability: Berea will steward its human, environmental, technological, and financial resources to provide a stable and secure foundation for Berea’s next visionary chapter.

Our Great Commitments

Our Eight Great Commitments inspire and are interwoven into this framework and future action items

Berea aspires to continually uphold and advance the inspirational ideals of our Great Commitments: we strive to build a culture of possibility and hope, strengthening our resolve to bring our values and principles to address the most pressing challenges of our time.

Strategic Framework: Materials

Campus materials relating to our Strategic Framework are available in this password protected folder.

Strategic Framework: Ideas and Input

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