On-Campus Confidential
Berea College’s professional counselors at Counseling Services and professional college chaplains at the Campus Christian Center can offer you confidential support. After hours or on the weekend, the counselor and chaplain on call can be reached by contacting Public Safety at 859-985-333, in case of an emergency.
Off-Campus Confidential
The Ampersand Sexual Violence Resource Center has a 24/7 crisis hotline. Additionally, they offer confidential counseling services and may be able to come to campus to provide counseling for individuals.
Local Crisis Line: 859-253-2511
Green Dot
Green Dot is a bystander intervention program built on the premise that we can measurably and systematically reduce violence within any given community. We are proud to be a Green Dot College and offer training to students, staff, faculty, and administrators.
Green Dot Training is designed to help participants understand the expanded definition of “bystander” and to equip them with necessary skills to assist in establishing two norms in our campus culture. First, violence will not be tolerated and secondly everyone is expected to do their part to keep the campus free from violence and fear of violence.
We have multiple Student and Employee Green Dot Trainings scheduled throughout the year. If you would like to schedule a separate Green Dot Training for a Labor Meeting or other event please fill out the form in the section below.
Title IX Trainings
We offer multiple campus trainings throughout the year to familiarize faculty, staff and students with Title IX and Berea College’s policy on Sexual Misconduct.
If you are interested in scheduling a Title IX or Green Dot training for a specific department or student labor meeting, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we will be happy to accommodate your request.