Dr. Xiangtang Hong
Associate Professor of Music; Chair, Music Department; Director of the Concert Choir and Chamber Singers; Instructor in Applied Lessons, Voice

Brittany Benningfield

William (Tripp) Bratton
Director, Afro-Latin and Contemporary Percussion Ensembles; Lecturer of Applied Music

Professor Mark Calkins
Associate Professor of Music and Voice; Director of Bel Canto Treble Singers; Instructor in Applied Lessons, Voice

Prof. Elizabeth DiSavino
Associate Professor of Music Director, Berea College Folk Roots Ensemble Director, Berea College Celebration of Traditional Music

Dr. Douglas Drewek, DMA
Assistant Professor of Music; Director of Berea College Jazz Ensemble

Sam Gleaves
Instructor in Applied Music; Director, Berea College Bluegrass Ensemble

John Hedger
Lecturer of Applied Music

Emily North
Senior Administrative Assistant

Dr. Colby Norton
Assistant Professor of Music; Director of Berea College Wind Ensemble; Instructor of Music Theory

Madeline Rogers
Assistant Professor of Piano

Dr. Emmanuel Joshua “E.J.” Stokes
Assistant Professor of Music; Director, Berea College Black Music Ensemble; Director of Convocations