Explore Berea College
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Explore Berea College

Berea College is invested in your success.  In addition to no tuition — a separate expense that does not include meal plans, housing, fees or bookstore charges — we offer a supportive environment that provides students with just about everything they need to feel welcome, prepared and positioned to succeed.

Our Formula for Success

It all starts with the most generous financial aid package in the country. Berea College is proud to be the only school in the U.S. to exclusively admit students with limited income. Berea provides students with 100 percent of the financial aid allowed by the FAFSA (free application for federal student aid). That aid package does not include loans, which is why the New York Times ranks Berea College No. 1 in College Access. 

Strong Academics
Strong Academics

Berea’s high academic standards and dedicated faculty combine to make Berea one of the nation’s top liberal arts colleges. You can choose from 33 academic majors and 39 minors to earn a bachelor’s degree or opt to design your own independent major to pursue a field of study that isn’t already an established major program.

Extraordinary Support
Extraordinary Support

More than half of first-year students are the first in their families to attend college. To ease the transition to college for all students, we help with  personal, academic and career development. Berea provides every student with a free laptop, peer-to-peer mentoring groups, a free dental clinic, writing resources, study abroad opportunities, paid internships and a professional clothing fund, among other supports.

Leadership Development
Leadership Development

Students learn teamwork and gain the confidence and skills to become leaders among their peers through 60+ recognized clubs and organizations, community-based service projects and programs, 40+ student governance roles, 16 NCAA Division III athletic teams, and more. Berea can help transform every student into a leader.

Work Experience
Work Experience

Berea College provides a unique opportunity for students to work and learn. With a choice of hundreds of on-campus positions that support their career aspirations or allow for exploration of non-academic interests, our students build an academic transcript in tandem with a work resume. Unlike graduates from traditional colleges, Berea students graduate with soft skills—time management, supervisory experience and a strong work ethic—that employers find attractive.

One on one attention
One-on-One Attention

A student body of nearly 1,500 students, an average class size of 14 and an 8:1 student-to-faculty ratio allow you to receive individualized attention and personal mentorship. Connections with staff and faculty who serve as work supervisors make you feel seen, heard and valued—giving you a sense of belonging.

Warm and Welcoming
Warm & Welcoming

Berea attracts students from across the U.S. and around the world. No matter where you come from, every student can find a home at Berea. From the day you arrive on campus until you cross the stage at graduation, you will be embraced by a community rooted in the principle of impartial love.