Students First
Students, we put you first! As we work to launch new initiatives, we are taking a “Students First” approach—student ideas and insights are the core of Berea, must take priority, and will shape our brave future.
What ideas do you have for Berea’s next chapter? What do you want Berea to focus on? What are your hopes, dreams, and imaginings for Berea? You provide the answers to these questions—and we’ll bring them to life! Please join a Student Vision team, connect at an in-person outreach event, submit the form below, or send an email to studentsfirst@berea.edu.
Our Community of Care
Our top Students First priority is student health, wellness, and essential needs. Berea is creating a community of care that provides holistic support for all aspects of the student experience. For example, we have worked to:
Student Gathering Spaces

Our student-created and student-led Student Vision teams provide the ideas that transform our campus! Based on your ideas, we are creating new outdoor gathering spaces—and will continue to create more. Look around campus, and you’ll see these student designed ideas:
Access & Affordability
Educational opportunity is at the heart of our Great Commitments. We are proud to be the #1 college in the nation for College Access (New York Times) and the #1 college in the nation for graduating students with the least debt (US News & World Report). And, we want to make college even more affordable! To that end, our initiatives include, for every student:
The Berea Difference
Berea College funds internship opportunities that help students grow, learn and find their career paths.
We provide juniors and seniors with funds to buy professional clothing, and we even take them to a department store where a representative helps them make the best choices.
Spread Joy
As we build our “One Blood, All Peoples” campus community together, let’s make sure we spread joy! Let’s provide new forms of connection and support! Let’s invent new opportunities to engage and interact! Some of the new ways we’ve connected to spread joy include:

Students First: Materials
Campus materials relating to Students First are available in this password protected folder.
Students First: Ideas and Input
Submit via form below or via email at studentsfirst@berea.edu.